
Before registering for the 2025 Youth New Englands, please read the rules and requirements for registration, weigh-in, and competition that are described at YNEW Information. By clicking the link below, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to the terms of the YNEW registration process. When registering for the Youth New Englands, you are certifying that all your information is accurate and true. Online registration ($68 fee) must be completed by Sunday March 9, 2025.
Placement at state tournaments will be used to seed wrestlers in the Open Competition according to the following allotments: CT/MA – top 6 state placers; NH/RI – top 5 state placers; ME/VT top 4 state placers. For the Girls Competition, ALL age-eligible girl wrestlers are encouraged to compete. Our goal here is to provide more competitive opportunities for girl wrestlers in New England.
A limited number of wild card spots are available for those that do not place/participate in their state tournament.  In order to secure a wild card spot, you must select ‘DNP’ on the registration form. If you are able to complete the registration process, your petition for a wild card is accepted.
First, provide your personal information, then choose your team affiliations.  Next, select your gender and either the Open or Girls competition. Girl wrestlers have the option of registering in both Open and Girls competitions for which they are age-eligible. This requires two separate registrations.  Then, insert your state and YNEW placement information. From there, enter your date of birth in the YNEW registration form. When you enter your date of birth, you will be prompted to select the correct competition group, based on your age and gender.
By selecting your date of birth during online registration, you are certifying your true age. All wrestlers must meet age, residency, and weight requirements. Remember, you cannot change weight classes after online registration closes on March 9th (no weight class changes during weigh-ins). By clicking the “Acknowledge” button, you are agreeing to provide proof-of-age if your age is challenged. Another wrestler or coach may initiate an age challenge by paying a $50 fee. Any wrestler who does not make weight, or misrepresents his age or residency, is subject to disqualification. There are no refunds for wrestlers who don’t make weight or misrepresent their age or residency.
After clicking the ‘Submit’ button, you will be directed to a payment page where you will be able to complete your registration using an online transaction. You will receive an email notification that you are registered for YNEW 2025 and that you have made payment. Please keep the email notice for proof of registration and payment.

Once registered, you will be able to use a link in the email notice to change weight classes or team affiliations or other information. Alternatively, you can use the link below to edit your registration profile.  Just click on the link to set up and activate a Webconnex account.  From there, you will be able to access your registration data and make changes until Sunday March 9th. Contact the YNEW tournament director if you have any questions about the registration process.